affordable housing

Massachusetts Affordable Housing Energy Efficiency Working Group

Naomi coordinated the collaboration and discussion between the state affordable housing agencies and utilities in Massachusetts to identify opportunities to maximize potential energy efficiency savings during refinance. The 2016-2018 Massachusetts Joint Statewide Three Year Energy Efficiency and Gas Efficiency Plan included a commitment for the Program Administrators to work with Massachusetts’ housing finance agencies to leverage multi-family refinance events to maximize whole building energy efficiency. Naomi facilitated the kick-off charrette to guide the ten partner agencies and organizations in identifying common objectives for the engagement. Naomi supported the partners in carrying out the document exchange, research, and analysis necessary to clarify the areas for opportunity. The engagement came to a close through a workshop facilitated by Naomi where the partners came to a consensus on a set of recommendations and actions that best leveraged the opportunities for energy efficiency implementation during refinance. 

Read final working group report

Better Buildings Challenge Super Tech Training

Naomi was the independent evaluator of the first Better Buildings Challenge Super Tech Training for Affordable Multifamily properties for Sparhawk Group and TDA, Inc. in March 2016. Naomi assisted the team in developing clear learning objectives for the training series with her expertise on adult learning theory.  After the trainings were administered, Naomi completed a full independent review of the final delivered curriculum, the four training modules, materials distributed and the four participant evaluation surveys. Naomi’s evaluation found that the trainings were well designed, well executed, and impactful, with great demand for more trainings that encouraged peer to peer engagement and hands-on learning experiences.

Read the evaluation report

Affordable Housing Innovation Partnership Kick-Off

Naomi facilitated a kick-off meeting for a collaborative partnership between the Healthy Building Network, Enterprise Community Partners, International Living Future Institute, and key philanthropic partners in August 2015. Naomi developed an agenda and facilitated a day long discussion to help the partners reach an understanding of each other’s critical capabilities, identify shared goals and outcomes of the joint collaboration, and outline a preliminary structure for continued partner engagement. 

Healthy Landscapes of Affordable Housing

Naomi convened a workshop on Healthy Landscapes of Affordable Housing, bringing together tenants of public housing, state housing officials, city housing, community gardening, slow food, green housing, walkability, and transportation policy experts to look at ways to make urban affordable housing sites truly centers of community life and health, while also addressing the priorities of climate change action.

Download full report